Friday, July 12, 2013 the OBX

The trip to the Outer Banks (OBX) was planned before the Wilmington trip, well in conjunction with.

I was really excited to have a chance to visit the Outer Banks again. The last time I was there, 1999, there was no iPhone, no Twitter, no Instagram, no Facebook! 

My visit seems ions ago! Digital cameras were still in its infancy of development. I documented that trip with a crappy Vivitar pocket camera (do you remember those?). 

And on top of the underdeveloped digital tools and primitive Internet- on the drive to OBX I got a ticket (I had to come back to a small cul de sac of a town to face a judge who threatened to take my license). That freakin' ticket cost me $380 bucks, plus lodging, car rental, and food! Way more than the wages of one days pay! Fumes are rising from my head as I write this! 

And if that didn't beat all- once we arrived in OBX a freak summer Nor'easter had just arrived. Out of the five days I was there not one of them were sunny (when we were leaving the sun came out)!

The Noreaster threatened to negate beach time for the duration of the trip (in fact it did because of riptides). I did get in the water and body surf the next day. Not a wise decision giving my swimming ability, but it was exhilaratingly fun! However, I DO NOT recommend you try that EVER! 

This time people it will be different. I have a fully charged iPhone with the requisite apps to fully document this excursion properly! And the weather forecast is sunny and hot! 

As I pass small town after small town on my way to the magical beaches of the OBX, I promise to keep you updated via Blogger! 

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